GO TO http://gollygeedamn.blogspot.com
My new blog, i just have to fresh things up. New look, more decorating and arts.
I feel much more inspired now.
lauantai 16. elokuuta 2008
perjantai 15. elokuuta 2008
give me pink shoes
My new pink shoes, LOVE them so much.
oooh, can´t wate to wear all black and then put these on my feet.

I was trying to take pictures but my kittens tought the shoes are fun to play with.
They were goofing around and biting my shoes...hahah They were so hilarious.
oops, other pair shoelaces are open.
Can´t wate to fall coming, all the rain and darkness. Leafs falling from the trees and everything turning into different colours, orange, red, brown...
I started knitting my long and chunky striped scarf, so relaxing and fun.
oooh, can´t wate to wear all black and then put these on my feet.

I was trying to take pictures but my kittens tought the shoes are fun to play with.
They were goofing around and biting my shoes...hahah They were so hilarious.
oops, other pair shoelaces are open.
Can´t wate to fall coming, all the rain and darkness. Leafs falling from the trees and everything turning into different colours, orange, red, brown...
I started knitting my long and chunky striped scarf, so relaxing and fun.
sunnuntai 10. elokuuta 2008

Oh I adore Keira, she is such a inspiration source for me these days, just if I would own such an coolness that she has I would be the happiest girl on planet.
This practicular picture is one of my favourites from her, the setting and the boots with that crazy-ish night outfit it is just insane.
This picture is from her VOGUE photoshoot, I think it was year 2007? or 2006? anyway, It is one of my all time favourite photoshoot from anyone.
Im sooooooo excited about her coming movies ´´edge of love´´ and ´´the dutchess´´.
perjantai 1. elokuuta 2008
Dorka & Doris
Say hello to my and my roomies two kitten.
they were orphan kitten, my roomie found them and we saved them.
They have been living with us two days now, they are goofing around, finding new exciting things and eating so much, just living that little kitten should live. Still they are bit shy around us but not hiding under our couch like the first day they did.
Dorka (mine) is that greyish / brown / black-ish / white striped one. She is such a dork, she has attitude.
Doris (my roomies) is that black / white one, she is such a sweetheart and allways teasing her sister.
They does so many goofy things, they just melted our hearts, what was life before them?? I don´t remember anymore. Does it feel like this when you get pregnant and have your firts baby? hah, bet it does...I feel like such a mom at the moment.

Oh yes, and I did get new digi camera... Canon Ixus 860 I.
hm, don´t now how to feel about it at the moment but the sale man did say it is good. It is just that I was sooooo in love with my Canon Ixus 75 so this just feels like Im cheating :(
It has been so long since my last uptade... So much has been happening...
Next monday my new work at kindergarden is starting. Im little nervous but still excited. Wish me luck!
they were orphan kitten, my roomie found them and we saved them.
They have been living with us two days now, they are goofing around, finding new exciting things and eating so much, just living that little kitten should live. Still they are bit shy around us but not hiding under our couch like the first day they did.
Dorka (mine) is that greyish / brown / black-ish / white striped one. She is such a dork, she has attitude.
Doris (my roomies) is that black / white one, she is such a sweetheart and allways teasing her sister.
They does so many goofy things, they just melted our hearts, what was life before them?? I don´t remember anymore. Does it feel like this when you get pregnant and have your firts baby? hah, bet it does...I feel like such a mom at the moment.

Oh yes, and I did get new digi camera... Canon Ixus 860 I.
hm, don´t now how to feel about it at the moment but the sale man did say it is good. It is just that I was sooooo in love with my Canon Ixus 75 so this just feels like Im cheating :(
It has been so long since my last uptade... So much has been happening...
Next monday my new work at kindergarden is starting. Im little nervous but still excited. Wish me luck!
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